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I have been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 2012. Under the guidance and teaching of my spiritual guru, I studied the teachings on the Stages of the Path (lam rim) including the Special Insight section, The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, Thought Transformation, and other Buddhist classics. Here is a glimpse into my spiritual journey and spontaneous-arising intuitive healing work.
I was among many who experienced a ‘tower’ moment of the 2008 global financial crisis, causing me to question the way I engaged in life. Upon investigation and after lifting the many veils of illusion, (this process is a continual work-in-progress), I found a more coloured and spiritually-enriched way of being. My many trials and tribulations brought me on a path that caused a great awakening in the year 2016. It was a year of profound transformation and with it, born my gift of intuitive energetic healing. This year, 2024, I am guided to bring my work to a wider community whereby great healing power is invoked through group meditation sessions.
I have been very fortunate to have worked with very talented healing professionals including (in the order of their appearance) a Cranial Sacral Therapist, Shamanic Healers, Reiki practitioners, a Kundalini Yoga master and Kinesiologist, a Naturopath, a Physiotherapist, a Bowen Therapist, a Psychologist, a Life Coach -Trauma Specialist, Spiritual Meditation teachers, and a Reflexology Master. They have worked so hard in their professional life providing much needed healing services to others and so they were constantly exposed to many types of energies. At the time of seeing me, their energy systems were either deleted, blocked, stale, fatigued and or damaged. Some even had their body or environment infiltrated by harmful entities, demonic Sigil, or effigies. By accessing the universal divine energy life force, I helped restore, replenish, and revitalise their physical or subtle energy systems. Once their roadblocks were removed, their body’s natural system was activated allowing the transformation to take place. The results of such methods of healing were varied. Some felt a sense of lightness and relief having let go of belief systems that bound or burdened them. Some felt their energy spiralling within their body heightening their sense of awareness and intuition. Some experienced moments of profound clarity and insights. Some experienced a dynamic power shift enabling them to meet adversities with equanimity. Some experienced an enhancement and expansion of their healing expertise. Some experienced the alleviation or cessation of physical pain. Some experienced a powerful energy shift after I found and removed harmful objects from their environment that were hidden by others with the intent to harm and sabotage. On one occasion I forcefully removed a malicious entity from a host body. Overall, my work is to facilitate a holistic healing response through what I intuitively see, hear, feel, and know.
I hope I can be of service to you.
Jacki Le
My motivation for establishing this website was to connect with spiritual friends along this life journey, to share joys and experiences aimed at enhancing, and enriching our practice. Hoping that together, we will reach our eventual destination, enlightenment.
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